*Scheduled Execution Date July 30, 2025
Samuel Moreland # A 190490
Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction
Mail Processing Center (OMPC)
884 Coitsville-Hubbard Road
Youngstown, Ohio 44505
Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction
Mail Processing Center (OMPC)
884 Coitsville-Hubbard Road
Youngstown, Ohio 44505
Ross Correctional Institution (RCI)
DOB: 1/30/54
County; Montgomery
Ways you can take action;
------------------------------SAMPLE LETTER ------------------------------
Re: Samuel Moreland A190490
Ohio State Penitentiary - Innocent on Death Row Denied Trial by Jury
Mr. Samuel Moreland continues to maintain his innocence as he did when he was administered "a sodium pentothal interview".
The trial transcript reflects that the state's sole eye witness, Dayron Talbott admitted to a fire paramedic on the crime scene that Mr. Higgins or Mr. Hagans was the perpetrator. He also admitted this to his father, Terry Gray, at the Miami Valley Hospital. Dayron Talbott identified Hagans as his mother's former boyfriend. The Dayton Police Arrest Report for Eugene Ray Hagans reflects that he was arrested for Att. Agg. Murder after Dayron Talbott told Firefighter Lafyette Bronson that Mr. Hagans had shot him.
"The blood types of victims Glenna Green, Lana Green, Violana Green, Datwan Talbott and Glenna Talbott were consistent with the Type A and Type O human bloodstains that were found on Eugene Hagans jacket.
Despite the fact that the evidence points to Eugene Hagans, it was Samuel Moreland and not Mr. Hagans that was tried by a three judge panel and convicted of this horrible crime. Mr. Moreland was denied a trial by jury for this death penalty case and convicted based on what he contends is the tainted testimony of a child who was 10 years old at the time of the crime and whose mother was not only received death threats from Eugene Hagans but also has two children with Eugene Hagans, the original perpetrator as Dayron Talbott indicated at the crime scene but provided a different story for the trial.
How can the State of Ohio willfully execute a man based on a child's testimony absent of supporting crime scene forensics? In the interest of justice, Mr. Moreland should be allowed his fundamental right to a trial by jury. It would be a great travesty of justice to execute an innocent man.
We ask for your support in overturning Samuel Moreland's wrongful conviction.
[Your name/address]
Senator Tim Grendell, Chair
Senate Judiciary - Criminal Justice
Senate Building
1 Capitol Square, Ground Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: (614) 644-7718
Email: SD18@senate.state.oh.us
Senator Larry Obhof, Vice Chair
Senate Judiciary - Criminal Justice
Senate Building
1 Capitol Square, 1st Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: (614) 466-7505
Email: SD22@senate.state.oh.us
Representative Danny R. Bubp, Chair
House Judiciary and Ethics Committee
77 S. High St
13th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Phone: (614) 644-6034
Fax: (614) 719-6988
Representative Todd McKenney, Vice Chair
House Judiciary and Ethics Committee
77 S. High St
11th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Phone: (614) 466-1790
Fax: (614) 719-6943
Representative Ted Celeste - Introduced (H.B. No. 160) Legislation to Abolish Ohio Death Penalty
13th Floor House of Representatives,
Ohio 43215-6111
Phone: (614) 644-6005
Fax: (614) 719-6963
Representative Nickie Antonio - Introduced (H.B. No. 160) Legislation to Abolish Ohio Death Penalty
13th Floor House of Representatives,
Ohio 43215-6111
Phone: (614) 466-5921
Fax: (614) 719-3913
Governor John Kasich
Riffe Center, 30th Floor
77 South High Street
Columbus, Oh 43215-6117
Phone: (614) 466-3555
NAACP - Cincinnati Ohio
4439 Reading Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45229
Ph: 513.281.1900
Fax: 513.281.4454
Email: naacp@fuse.net
News articles related to Samuel Moreland
(Should not be considered all inclusive.)
DOB: 1/30/54
County; Montgomery
Free Samuel Moreland
Innocent on Death Row Denied Trial by Jury
Ways you can take action;
------------------------------SAMPLE LETTER ------------------------------
Re: Samuel Moreland A190490
Ohio State Penitentiary - Innocent on Death Row Denied Trial by Jury
Mr. Samuel Moreland continues to maintain his innocence as he did when he was administered "a sodium pentothal interview".
The trial transcript reflects that the state's sole eye witness, Dayron Talbott admitted to a fire paramedic on the crime scene that Mr. Higgins or Mr. Hagans was the perpetrator. He also admitted this to his father, Terry Gray, at the Miami Valley Hospital. Dayron Talbott identified Hagans as his mother's former boyfriend. The Dayton Police Arrest Report for Eugene Ray Hagans reflects that he was arrested for Att. Agg. Murder after Dayron Talbott told Firefighter Lafyette Bronson that Mr. Hagans had shot him.
"The blood types of victims Glenna Green, Lana Green, Violana Green, Datwan Talbott and Glenna Talbott were consistent with the Type A and Type O human bloodstains that were found on Eugene Hagans jacket.
Despite the fact that the evidence points to Eugene Hagans, it was Samuel Moreland and not Mr. Hagans that was tried by a three judge panel and convicted of this horrible crime. Mr. Moreland was denied a trial by jury for this death penalty case and convicted based on what he contends is the tainted testimony of a child who was 10 years old at the time of the crime and whose mother was not only received death threats from Eugene Hagans but also has two children with Eugene Hagans, the original perpetrator as Dayron Talbott indicated at the crime scene but provided a different story for the trial.
How can the State of Ohio willfully execute a man based on a child's testimony absent of supporting crime scene forensics? In the interest of justice, Mr. Moreland should be allowed his fundamental right to a trial by jury. It would be a great travesty of justice to execute an innocent man.
We ask for your support in overturning Samuel Moreland's wrongful conviction.
[Your name/address]
Senator Tim Grendell, Chair
Senate Judiciary - Criminal Justice
Senate Building
1 Capitol Square, Ground Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: (614) 644-7718
Email: SD18@senate.state.oh.us
Senator Larry Obhof, Vice Chair
Senate Judiciary - Criminal Justice
Senate Building
1 Capitol Square, 1st Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: (614) 466-7505
Email: SD22@senate.state.oh.us
Representative Danny R. Bubp, Chair
House Judiciary and Ethics Committee
77 S. High St
13th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Phone: (614) 644-6034
Fax: (614) 719-6988
Representative Todd McKenney, Vice Chair
House Judiciary and Ethics Committee
77 S. High St
11th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Phone: (614) 466-1790
Fax: (614) 719-6943
Representative Ted Celeste - Introduced (H.B. No. 160) Legislation to Abolish Ohio Death Penalty
13th Floor House of Representatives,
Ohio 43215-6111
Phone: (614) 644-6005
Fax: (614) 719-6963
Representative Nickie Antonio - Introduced (H.B. No. 160) Legislation to Abolish Ohio Death Penalty
13th Floor House of Representatives,
Ohio 43215-6111
Phone: (614) 466-5921
Fax: (614) 719-3913
Governor John Kasich
Riffe Center, 30th Floor
77 South High Street
Columbus, Oh 43215-6117
Phone: (614) 466-3555
NAACP - Cincinnati Ohio
4439 Reading Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45229
Ph: 513.281.1900
Fax: 513.281.4454
Email: naacp@fuse.net
News articles related to Samuel Moreland
(Should not be considered all inclusive.)
Email Samuel Moreland
You will need this number to find him within the email program;
Please note;
GettingOut Email Option
The Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction has begun using an innovative electronic mail system. To be clear, this program does NOT provide inmates with direct email access. Rather, it allows those who wish to correspond with an inmate to enter into a subscription through a third-party website, at a cost, and that company will serve as the vehicle to manage emails. These emails should not be considered confidential.
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