Thursday, May 21, 2009

Mark Pickens

Scheduled Execution:  July 19, 2017

Mark Pickens  # A 635147
Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction
Mail Processing Center (OMPC)
884 Coitsville-Hubbard Road
Youngstown, Ohio 44505

Ross Correctional Institution (RCI)

DOB: 12/5/89
County: Hamilton

Hello Friends,

I am innocent and I continue to sit on death row when there is proof that my constitutional rights were violated. The appeal courts have used prejudicial tactics to delay giving me relief in my appeals. I want this message to get out in society to expose this system that denies me justice everyday and other people who are innocent in prison. 

My name is Mark and I am looking to correspond with a friend through the mail or through JPay.
The JPay system on the internet takes all the inconvenience out of writing a letter by sending a quick email. (A link to JPay can be found below.)
I am interested in getting to know someones likes and dislikes, just friendly conversation.
Here are a few things about myself;
I like to read, write, and exercise. I like sports. My favorite sports are basketball, football, and boxing, but I do like to watch other sports like tennis, motocross, and a couple of others. I love animals and I am fascinated with travel. The world is so big and there are many mysteries in the world. I like the countries Canada, London, and Germany even though I have never been there before. If someone is willing to teach me more things about those places, I am interested in learning. Like what is your favorite place you like to hang out?
Also, I am interested in learning about different states in the United States because I have never been out of my state of Ohio.
That is just a couple of things I am interested in. If you are willing to write just send me a quick email through JPay or by mail, it ready doesn't matter which.
I am going to end with some words of wisdom;  Always try to be optimistic even through difficult times and live every day to the fullest.
Thank you,


News articles related to Mark Pickens
(Should not be considered all inclusive.)


Email Mark Pickens
You will need this number to find him within the email program;

Please note;
GettingOut Email Option
The Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction has begun using an innovative electronic mail system. To be clear, this program does NOT provide inmates with direct email access. Rather, it allows those who wish to correspond with an inmate to enter into a subscription through a third-party website, at a cost, and that company will serve as the vehicle to manage emails. These emails should not be considered confidential.


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