Thursday, May 21, 2009

Andre Williams

Andre Williams # 209534
Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction
Mail Processing Center (OMPC)
884 Coitsville-Hubbard Road
Youngstown, Ohio 44505

Ross Correctional Institution (RCI)

DOB: 5/1/67
County; Trumbull


I truly hope and pray that this missive finds you in the very best of health, loving care that your spirit is strong, and your heart and mind are at peace.

Please allow me to introduce myself and nature of this letter.

My name is Andre Williams, but everyone address me by my nickname KoKomo. I’m 6’0” tall and weigh 230 lbs. At the present time I take residence on the State of Ohio’s Death Row. As you can imagine, the situation is most unfortunate for myself and for all those affected.
Usually, as I have come to experience in the past, people are instantly cold and judgmental upon finding out that I am living on death row, this even without that person knowing me or the situation for that matter. Unfortunately they tend to just have this automatic stereotype about those to happen to fall under the death row status.

Let me add a little bit more about myself and my interests so that we may possibly have some speaking points.
I have a son who played college football for the University of Wisconsin Badgers for two years and then transferred to the University of Memphis Tigers for 3 years. His position was running back. He played the 2006 and 2007 seasons at Wisconsin and the 2009 season at Memphis, but he broke his leg at the beginning of the 2010 season.

I love sports and animals. As far as describing myself, I'm a good hearted person and I believe in God!

I would love to write to a woman for friendship and am open to talking about a variety of things. I also don't mind writing to another man to talk about sports and famous people in the world.

As I end this missive, it is my prayer, just as at first – that it has found everyone who reads this in the very best of health and spirits. I hope that in my reaching, someone be there to reach back.
May God bless always!


Please note; Andre did receive assistance in the writing of his pen pal request.


Please Note:
Andre Williams is not the author nor the publisher of the information posted on this page.

The appeal system is not the safety net against wrongful conviction/execution that many think it is, some points to consider are;

The record offers no evidence that Mr. Williams attempted to kill two or more people.

The record does not show that Mr. Williams inflicted any injuries to Mrs. Melnick, let alone life threatening injuries.

There was no physical evidence tying Andre Williams to the crime or putting him at the scene of the crime, and at least 3 jurors did not want to impose death but felt (incorrectly) that they were following the law. (Federal constitutional law demands that one juror may prevent the imposition of death.)

The jury was never advised to find that Mr. Williams was the principal offender, aider, and abettor as to this crime. For those reasons alone, a death sentence should not have been received.

"Snitch" testimony, commonly known to lead to wrongful convictions, was a large factor of the trial. Other than these statements, the state had no direct evidence which tied Mr. Williams to this crime.
Prosecution witnesses changed their testimony at trial.
Prosecution witnesses admitted that they had lied to police on previous occasions.

Possible developmental deficiencies; Death sentence should be void or voidable pursuant to Atkins v. Virginia.

Some of the reasons the State has denied his Atkin filing and claim that Williams functions at a “level far above that of mental retardation are; “The fact that Williams drafts and files his own legal documents, (document was actually drafted by another death row inmate on his behalf; see sources below) fills out his own commissary sheets, maintained a website soliciting correspondence.”  (Inmates do not have access to the internet and he could not possibly maintain a website. Please Note; This page and information is posted on his behalf. Mr. Williams is not the author nor is he the publisher.)

Andre Williams has been unable to secure post conviction relief due to missed filing dates.

Consistent with the residual doubt contention for the penalty phase, Andre Williams made an unsworn statement during the penalty phase denying guilt. Specifically, Williams said;
“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I know you all would like for me to say I'm guilty of this crime, but I'm not. I am an innocent person. I had nothing to do with the incident that took place at the Melnick house and before. I’m sorry what happened to Mr. and Mrs. Melnick, but I had nothing to do with it, and I can’t help that I’ve been charged with something I didn’t do…”

(See page 8)

(See page 3 and 4)

“Juror says Williams murder trial gave her a different outlook on life”
Tribune Chronicle, Warren Ohio, by Lisa A. Abraham Mar. 15, 1989

Case: 12-4269 Document 61 Filed 03/26/2014 Page 37


News articles related to Andre Williams
(Should not be considered all inclusive.)

Email Andre Williams   
Please note; Andre would prefer to receive regular USPS mail, address above, instead of using the email program.
(He can receive up to 3 postage embossed envelopes if you would care to include them.)

You will need this number to find him within the email program;

Please note;
GettingOut Email Option
The Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction has begun using an innovative electronic mail system. To be clear, this program does NOT provide inmates with direct email access. Rather, it allows those who wish to correspond with an inmate to enter into a subscription through a third-party website, at a cost, and that company will serve as the vehicle to manage emails. These emails should not be considered confidential.


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